
Lizard Misty Review

I remember in the beginning of the series for saint seiya, one of my favorite battles before the 12 houses of the zodiac was the battle of Pegasus and Lizard Misty. I though Misty was a girl at that time and when I was old enough to understand he was a man I really didn’t like the character. But when it comes to collecting figure I could not wait to have my hands on him, maybe I could re-create the most epic scenes from saint seiya with this figure in my hand.

As most myth cloth boxes this box was a great silver color. This was a book style kind of package and the box art is great on this figure, it had the figure’s picture on the front as well with the animated form of the figure like on the anime. As you open the box from the middle you could see the great window box display on both sides and the first thing you could see was that it didn’t have a lot of parts like other myth cloth have. As always on the top of the box it would say Silver Saint, and on the bottom it said Misty, a great touch on Bandai. The back of the box was great, has many different poses you can put the figure in and they show you many ways to put this figure for display on your collection. But I was excited to open this figure so let’s dig in.

As you open the box the first thing I saw is that this figure has two body’s which is great for me. One is to represent him on the beach when he takes off his cloth after he thinks he defeated seiya, and the other one is for his normal cloth. The face drew my attention because one face it had the look of his black face when Pegasus defeats him in battle and the other face was very feminine you could say. For some reason the face didn’t feel right to me, it didn’t look like the anime representation of the figure and he had only panted lips. The characters face didn’t look anything alike and that was one major setback I had when I saw the face. But when I saw the armor, it all was worth it. The armor was very well made and the shoulders, arms, legs, and chest with part of the belt were die cast metal. Very small parts like the buckle for the belt, the chest plate, and the shin parts of the boots were plastic, but the armor was very well made as well. The hair on this figure is great, very nice sculpture on the hair and very dynamic. I was very impressed with the amount of detail it went on the armor itself. The colors of the cloth are made to perfection. From the silver in the cloth to the pink on the body, this figure was very well made. The manual of this figure is a very simple manual with color coded parts and numbers on the attachments so instructions were easy to follow.

When I put this figure on object mode, you could say it took around 15 to 20 minutes to make, some instructions on the manual are very unclear to make the object mode, so you have to base your building mostly on sight. But after it’s done the object mode is very well done, very beautiful and very nice to make, I would consider buying 2 just to have the object mode built.

As I put the figure together, I could see the figure come to life, yeah the face was not to my expectations but the armor was well worth it, this cloth looked so beautiful that in the end the face didn’t matter but one vital thing did matter. The cape on this figure was the most distinctive part of the figure, he is the only one that has a cape that has a pop collar on the figure, but when you feel the collar, its made of this paper material and it curls really nasty, the cape is not done well for the figure and the collar does not pop out as well as it should. It was a major flaw on the Bandai side of the figure, for most collectors they won’t put this figure with the cape; it takes the visual aspect of the figure away from its true beauty.

Overall, this figure is great. It has major points in color, style, cloth make and articulation of the figure. Some major flaws that I could see are the face, which you can pass cause it’s not that bad, but one major flaw is the cape, in no way or form a collector will put the cape on this figure and it’s not very visually appealing to you when you put it on. So one recommendation from me to you is, the cloth is great, just don’t put the cape on. On a scale of 1-10, I give this figure an 8. Due to the fact that the cape is a major part of this figure and Bandai messed it up, I think that is one major setback on this beautiful cloth. But if you don’t put the cape on him, I totally recommend him for your collection. It’s a well-made cloth and I can’t complain about it.

Thanks to ishop2go for letting me review this figure and hope you all enjoy your new purchased Lizard Misty. I know I did.

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